
Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Mac Antique Velvet Lipstick Reveiw

Hey guys so today I am reviewing Mac's Antique Velvet Lipstick. This lipstick shade is very me because I love dark shades of lipstick but I wouldn't use it if you prefer light colours. I also love this lipstick because it it long lasting even when eating and drinking! It is one of my favourite Autumn (or Fall depending on where you are from) lip colours because I feel reds and brown are really good shades to put on for the Autumn months. When I wear this lipstick I would never wear it with a bright or out there eye make up because I feel that it takes away the lip colour from the look. I would give this lipstick 5/5 stars.

Myallsortsblog x

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Being Healthy

Hey guys so today I'm going to talk about being healthy. Now firstly I need to say , being healthy and being skinny are not the same thing. You can be healthy and not skinny. Now that we have got that out the way let's get on with the post

Exercise is really good for you mentally and physically. Physically it helps you get more muscular and so on and builds up stamina. Also running can help you live longer as you have a 30% lower risk of death from any causes. So if you want to live to a good age I would start lacing your shoes up and running. Exercise helps you mentally because it apparently has antidepressant properties. Now I'm not saying to go and run 10 miles I'm saying gentle exercise here and there will help.

Balanced diet
Balanced diet is one of the best things for you, it keeps you healthy and I think you won't get sick, I'm not sure on that so don't take my word for it. Don't just have veg or have no carbohydrates because your diet therefore isn't balanced. For help on this here is the "eat well plate"

So that is it for today I am not gonna post more because I am really busy but I hope you like this post 

Myallsortsblog x

Monday, 28 September 2015

Body Confidence

Now that you have seen the title please don't look away and say "but my body is bad though," It's not I bet you. Body Confidence is a big issue in the world today and I have no idea why. We use this word 'perfect' to describe people like models etc, I'm not criticising models but how do we know that they are 'perfect'? We just think they are because are brains have some weird thing that thinks that! The definition of perfect is something that does not need improving but what doesn't need improving? 100% on a maths test? Yes. Why do we use the word perfect to define humans then? No clue! Everyone is amazing just the way they are wether your you are tall, slim, big ,etc everyone is human and are as amazing as eachother!
Basically what you all need to do is play 'All about that Bass' and shake ya booty off. (Also in some songs slim people are called rubbish but you are just as good a bigger people remember that)

Myallsortsblog x
P.S: Sorry for posting 4 times in a day I'm just soooooooo excited about my new blog and it's probably gonna wear off now (also not sure I've used the right wear... told you I'm bad at English)


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Black Opium Perfume Review

I am reviewing the Black opium Perfume today and the first thing I want to talk about is the bottle. I love to bottle and the look of this perfume you may think it's rubbish and that is fine. The smell of this perfume is incredible and it lasts all day. I would give this product 4.5/5 stars.

Myallsortsblog x

Hey I'm Myallsortsblog

Hey I'm Myallsortsblog and this is my first blog post! Now I'm new to this blogging thing so please don't judge me and not the best at English so sorry if my spelling or grammar is incorrect. The reason I've started a blog was well why not? Yolo (no one uses Yolo anymore do they... awkward.) I am a very busy person and cannot post all the time so please don't expect me to post every day or week. For privacy reasons also I will not be releasing my name, age etc. This blog (explained in the name) will be about all sorts of stuff from make up to food and in between. Please follow and give me advice thank you it would really help me.

Myallsortsblog x