
Monday, 28 September 2015

Body Confidence

Now that you have seen the title please don't look away and say "but my body is bad though," It's not I bet you. Body Confidence is a big issue in the world today and I have no idea why. We use this word 'perfect' to describe people like models etc, I'm not criticising models but how do we know that they are 'perfect'? We just think they are because are brains have some weird thing that thinks that! The definition of perfect is something that does not need improving but what doesn't need improving? 100% on a maths test? Yes. Why do we use the word perfect to define humans then? No clue! Everyone is amazing just the way they are wether your you are tall, slim, big ,etc everyone is human and are as amazing as eachother!
Basically what you all need to do is play 'All about that Bass' and shake ya booty off. (Also in some songs slim people are called rubbish but you are just as good a bigger people remember that)

Myallsortsblog x
P.S: Sorry for posting 4 times in a day I'm just soooooooo excited about my new blog and it's probably gonna wear off now (also not sure I've used the right wear... told you I'm bad at English)


  1. Oh that's so cool, I had no idea that you were a new blogger! It's good to post more than once a day I think!

    Definitely agree with this post, you basically took the worlds straight out of my mouth, body confidence is something that needs much more awareness bought to it so good on you for making this! Great post!
    The Style Icon
