
Sunday, 27 December 2015

Girl online vs Girl Online on Tour.

Hey guys, today I am going to be putting both Girl Online books against each other and see which is better. Before I start I just want to say, this is my own opinion so if you don't agree that is fine and everybody has their own opinion. I also want to say that I love both books and I love Zoe Sugg. Also I am not a professional book critic so don't think that what I am saying is fact or correct, I am doing this for fun. So after that let's go.

Penny's Character.
In Girl Online 1 you do see quite a lot of penny's character yet I think she is finding out more about Noah than herself in the first book. In Girl Online 2 you see more of herself finding out who she is as a person.

Penny and Noah's Relationship.

You see a lot of penny finding out who Noah is in the first book and there relationship is just starting. In the second book you see a lot of the relationship and you see all the ups and downs (very downs) in the relationship, although there is one down in the first book.

Other Characters
You don't find out a lot about the other characters in the first book as the second book. In the second book you definitely find out a lot about Eliot and Noah's band mates. There are a lot of new Characters in the second book as well.

The Cover
In my opinion I prefer the second books cover (right) because of the colour theme and all the images of the things penny and Noah did. But I also love the images for the first book (left)


I think I prefer the First books blurb as It has a really good cliff hanger. I feel as if in the second books blurb as well in the actual book there is just too much happening, but I still love it.

The ending 

I am not going spoil the books so all I am going to say is I preferred the first book's ending.

Thank you for reading.

Myallsortsblog x

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